"The most important thing that schools can do is not to use technology in the curriculum more, but to use it more effectively."
John G. Palfrey and Urs Gasser
Significant Learning Environments
In developing my Innovation Plan, my focus was on how to utilize technology to promote choice, ownership, voice, and creating authentic learning experiences. After completing the following assignments, my focus has shifted beyond the superficial level. Interacting with A New Culture of Learning highlighted the importance of collaboration and passion in learning. The curriculum design tools have ensured that a deeper understanding of the content covered will be achieved by taking a more holistic approach in viewing student goals. Lastly, in creating a significant learning environment, we cannot only rely on developing a student's growth mindset. We must also pay attention to igniting a learner's mindset in the environments we create. My innovation plan of implementing a blended learning model will be influenced by my shift in goals for my learners.
A New Culture of Learning inspires me to create learning environments that promote creativity and passion, collaboration, and new learning experiences where learners apply their skills in meaningful ways.
I explore how my constructivist approach to learning allows me to develop a significant learning environment through blended learning.
Beginning with the goal in mind shapes how I form supporting goals to ensure learning is the focus in my blended learning model.
The UbD template highlights goals and understandings students will walk away with, how students will demonstrate their learning, and the instruction and learning events that will take place in a significant learning environment.
A Growth Mindset is important for student success, but cannot be the only focus in teaching students to take ownership of their learning.