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5304 Leading Organization Change

The focus of this course is to help leaders engage in bringing organizational change through appealing to people's hearts, not only to their minds. People in organizations are often resistant to change and have the "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" mentality. Acting as a leader when implementing a Blended Learning Initiative means I must go in with a plan if I want to effectively create action. Explore the following pieces to my strategy which are influenced by the books The InfluencerThe 4 Disciplines of Execution, and Crucial Conversations.






Kotter, J. (2011, March 23). John Kotter - The heart of change [Video].


Grenny, J., Patterson, K., Maxfield, D., McMillan, R., & Switzler, A. (2013). Influencer: The new

     science of leading change. McGraw Hill. 


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