"The most important thing that schools can do is not to use technology in the curriculum more, but to use it more effectively."
John G. Palfrey and Urs Gasser
Blended Learning Implementation Outline
Blended learning is becoming an increasingly popular model in 21st-century schools. Since Tomball ISD offers students 1:1 devices, we have an opportunity to implement this model in our schools. Implementing a blended learning model will help teachers personalize student learning, offer students choice in how they learn and show evidence of their learning, and offer a way to give authentic learning opportunities. Below is a proposed outline to implement a blended learning model in a second-grade, self-contained classroom that focuses on providing every student with an opportunity for growth.

I. Learn about the fundamentals of fostering a successful blended learning model. (June - August 2024)
A. Review literature to identify and reflect on what others have learned.
B. Participate in professional development throughout the year offered by the district that promotes digital tools and blended learning.
II. Develop the "Why?" (June - August 2024)
A. Develop a general goal for why we will be implementing blended learning in the classroom. All future goals and smaller goals should support this larger goal.
III. Work with our second-grade-level team and instructional leadership to develop learning goals. (August - September 2024)
A. Give the beginning of the year screener using the district screener to evaluate where students are.
B. Review student populations to identify the following:​
1. Special education IEP goals and accommodations that will need to be given with their assignments
2. Emergent bilingual TELPAS testing results from the previous year and current accommodations that will need to be given with their assignments
3. Identify which students will be participating in GT services
4. Identify students who did not perform at or above grade-level expectations.
C. Using the BOY district screener, write a general grade-level goal for students’ expected growth.
IV. Develop an instructional model to be used in the classroom for learning management and growth tracking. (August -September 2024)
A. Review various instructional models and determine which model will be most effective in a 2nd-grade setting with 1:1 Chromebook devices.
B. Set up the organization system that students will be using to help them keep track of their learning path based on their needs.
1. Organize folders in the LMS system, Schoology
2. Design a digital platform where students will be able to access their assignment choices (playlist, station rotation slide, etc.)
V. Plan quality content that supports the identified learning goals. (September 2024 - May 2025)
A. Identify the district-provided learning programs that will be used for competency-based and adaptive learning.
B. Identify other digital resources that provide quality content that support the identified learning goals.
C. Collaborate with the grade level team to develop authentic learning opportunities that support students in their learning goals.
VI. Meet with students to help develop learning goals based on their needs. (September 2024 - April 2025)
A. The teacher will hold individual conferences throughout the year to help students select a goal from choices that are suitable for them. Together, the teacher and student will develop a plan to help them reach their goal.
VII. Instruct students on the procedures and expectations of the blended learning model and revisit expectations as needed. (August 2024 - May 2025)
A. Teach students how to access their devices and instructional programs. The teacher will introduce only a few tools and rotations at a time throughout the year.
B. Students will be taught the procedures for completing their tasks and what they should do for tech support while their teacher is in small instructional groups.
C. Emphasize growth mindset concepts to help students develop self-directed learning skills and to help develop a collaborative culture in the classroom to support each other while the teacher is working with other students.
VIII. Monitor Data and meet with the instructional leadership team as needed. (September 2024 - May 2025)
A. The teacher will be responsible for monitoring data using the resources provided and found.
1. LexiaCore5
2. Renaissance Learning
3. HMH
4. Teacher created resources
B. Using the data collected, the teacher will routinely revise learning plans for students by incorporating skills needed in small groups and by adjusting their playlists.
C. Finalize data findings using the EOY district screener with the instructional leadership team.
IX. Provide feedback to students throughout the learning process based on individual progress and give students opportunities to reflect on their learning. (September 2024 - May 2025)
A. The teacher will provide informal and ongoing feedback on assignments completed through small conferences or while the teacher is walking around facilitating when available.
B. Students will participate in reflections where they can communicate areas of strength, areas of weakness, and any struggles they have come across or need help with.
X. Reflect on implementation throughout and make necessary revisions as needed. (May-August 2025)
A. Reflect on areas of the implementation that have gone well and identify areas that need improvement.
B. Collaborate with other teachers and the instructional leadership team to share resources and ideas that can help the effectiveness of our identified goals.
C. Compare the EOY data to the previous year to identify any patterns in growth found.
XI. Implement necessary revisions to the blended learning model for the 2025-2026 school year. (August 2025 - May 2026)
A. Learning from reflections from the previous year, implement the changes to hopefully improve the next year’s effectiveness.